while foreigners vacation in the islands, the greeks vacation in zagoria. it is an amazingly beautiful part of the country and offers a different perspective on greece than the highly touristed areas. we will provide hands-on assistance ...
At 3:09pm on 21 May 2008, bpapigoe/b wrote: Arbitration and negotiation are now the keystones for settling industrial disputes, for one party [the government, whether Labour, Conservative, or Martian] to decide to abandon such a process b....../b Question for you - Why have NuLabour, for the last 11 years, been flogging off Council bestates/b across Britain to PRIVATE so called Social Landlords? If you get stuck, I will help you in a future blog, after all what are comrades for? ...
what´s a road i would like to drive, one hairpin behind the next.. a real pleasure i had often during our bvacations/b in Greece.. a wonderful spring capture, even it´s a old one from five years ago.. wish you a fine day, filika Bernd ...